ADSL New Plans and Prices28 July, 2017

Finally! It’s here.
The limitation on ADSL line speed has been removed. With our new plans and services, you can now enjoy an Open Speed as high as your phone line allows.
As of the 1st of August, IDM is offering new ADSL plans at higher Open Speeds 3 to 7 times faster than current connection, with up to x 4 more Giga Bytes and lower prices...
Based on your usage history and our estimates of your future needs, we tailored new packages, that we believe are affordable and will suit your new requirements.
The migration to these new packages has been communicated to you by email and you can check it out by visiting your Account Management section.
Once again we thank you for choosing IDM as your Internet service provider and look forward to continue serving you.
If you would like to drop us a comment kindly use the following email specially set up for this occasion: